2007-06-13: Mt. Whitney
We left home on June 13 and drove to Lone Pine to begin our 4-1/2 month summer trip. Our campsite had this incredible view of Mt. Whitney, which is 14,497 feet high.
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2007-06-13: Mt. Whitney Portal
Al was having horrible pains in his right leg but we did take a quick ride up to the Mt. Whitney portal and this beautiful waterfall.
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2007-06-13: Jumble Rocks
This is really a pretty area but alas after a day of seeing doctors here we decided to turn around and head for home.
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2007-06-13: After The Surgery
The doctor ordered walking and Al was up and putting in his miles two days after going under the knife.
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2007-09-04: Las Vegas
This is certainly not the best place to be at this time of year but with our abbreviated trip plan, we needed to come this way. A few buffets and a bit of time on the slots and we're out of here. Tryna's in her glory - she won $25.00 on a ten cent bet on a penny machine!
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2007-09-05: Desert
One feels rather isolated driving through the desert but as you look around you can see that even here beauty abounds.
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2007-09-05: Feet
Back by popular demand are the feet pointing the way (for those of you who didn't follow our 2001 trip, check it out). The Virgin River Gorge feels like the real start of our adventure.
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2007-09-05: Virgin River Gorge
Driving through the Virgin River Gorge one has to wonder what it was like here when the river was cutting this path.
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2007-09-05: Oops
Almost to the campground and we had an OOPS. Local police with lights flashing pulled us over for going 51 in a 40mph zone. In all his years of driving, this was the first time Al had ever been pulled over. The officer had us step out and stand in front of the motorhome while he went in and looked around (we're not sure what he was looking for). Lucky for us, he let us go with just a warning!
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2007-09-06: Kolob Canyon
We took a short day trip to Kolob Canyon where we discovered soaring cliffs of red Navajo sandstone and deep pocket canyons. The word Kolob means "star closest to heaven".
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2007-09-06: Beatty Point
This gorgeous rock formation has Beatty Point at the top and some wonderful wind caves beginning on it's face.
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2007-09-06: Shuntavi Butte
Shuntavi Butte stands 7000 feet tall and has a wonderful cone-shaped formation up it's side.
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