Salt On The Road
A Travel Photo - Journal Of Tryna and Al Morton

Russia - Uglich

2013-05-24: Uglich Lock

Uglich Reservoir is an artificial lake in the upper part of the Volga River formed by a hydroelectric dam built in 1939 in the town of Uglich. Long and narrow, it extends upriver about 88 miles. The dam is located at the city of Uglich and the lock has a beautiful arch, which was built to celebrate victory over Nazi Germany, across the upstream end. The lock chamber is 950 feet long by 98 feet wide and it raises/lowers vessels about 36 feet. During our voyage from Moscow to St. Petersburg we went through 18 locks!

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2013-05-24: Cathedral of the Transfiguration

Construction of this cathedral, on the bank of the Volga River began about 1715 on the site of an earlier church. It was built of stone during a time when Peter the Great ruled that stone could only be used for construction in St Petersburg. Either the cathedral was began before the decree or it received a dispensation. Five dark green domes top the yellow and white building. The interior is one large vault covered with both frescoes and painted icons. There are a number of side rooms which display an extensive collection of Icons.

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2013-05-24: Church of St. Demetrius-on-the-Blood

This church was built in 1692 on the spot where Prince Demetrius was murdered. The church, with its red walls and blue domes sits on the Volga for all to marvel at as they sail in and out of Uglich. The palace where the prince lived was turned into a museum.

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2013-05-24: Icons

The interior of the cathedrals and churches are covered with both frescoes and painted icons.

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2013-05-24: Concert

The acoustics in the churches and cathedrals are amazing. None of them had an organ so singing was a cappella. This particular performance of the Volga Boatman was in one of the chapels that is now a museum.

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2013-05-24: Home Visit

We had a wonderful home visit with a local family. She served us moonshine vodka, pickles and a sweet bread. It was interesting hearing how this family had managed during the Soviet era and how they were prospering now.

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2013-05-24: Viking Rurik

The Rurik awaits our return so we can continue our trek to St. Petersburg.

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2013-05-24: Uglich

We watched the domes of the churches fade into the horizon as we said goodbye to the quaint village of Uglich.

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2013-05-24: Kalyazin Belfry

The lonely belfry of Kalyazin rises above the mirror-like surface of the river. It once belonged to the church of the Trinity that was built in 1654. When the canal was dug and the valley was flooded for the reservoir, the monastery and church were submerged while the tower remained above the waterline.

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