2013-05-27: Transfiguration Church
Some of Russia's most famous and most intricate wooden structures dating from various centuries with the oldest being from the 14th century are located on Kizhi Island. According to the Russian carpentry traditions of the time, the Transfiguration Church was built of wood only with no nails and has 22 domes.
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2013-05-27: Icons
As always, we were intrigued with the icons within the walls of the churches.
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2013-05-27: Church of the Intersession
The Church of the Intersession is smaller and heated for the winter (October 1 until Easter). It was first built in 1694 as a single-dome structure, then reconstructed in 1720-1749 and in 1764 rebuilt into its present 9-dome design as an architectural echo of the main Transfiguration Church.
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2013-05-27: Chapel of Archangel Michael
The Chapel of the Archangel Michael was moved to Kizhi in 1961 from the Lelikozero village. It has a rectangular frame elongated from east to west and a two-slope roof. Above the entrance hall there is a belfry capped with a pyramid roof. The iconostasis of the chapel has two tiers and contains icons of 17th-18th centuries.
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2013-05-27: Windmill
The windmill on Kizhi Island is a typical wooden windmill that in the past used to be found in the farmlands throughout Russia. This one was built in the 1920's and it rests on a base that can be rotated so that the blades are always facing the wind.
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2013-05-27: Us
We decided this was the perfect place for a family photo.
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2013-05-27: Bridge Visit
This afternoon we had the opportunity to visit the Captain's Bridge and see all the equipment used to pilot the boat.
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2013-05-27: Captain's Dinner
With fanfare and toasts, we enjoyed the captain's dinner with Nadine and Bill, our new friends from Miami.
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2013-05-27: Sunset
Because we are on the same parallel as Fairbanks, Alaska we had mostly daylight during the trip and not much darkness. Because of this, we didn't stay up late enough most nights to enjoy a sunset.
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