Salt On The Road
A Travel Photo - Journal Of Tryna and Al Morton

Summer 2002 - Glacier National Park

2002-07-16: Our Wheels For The Day

Glacier National Park has a fleet of these jammer cars (we were told they were called jammers because the drivers had to jam them into gear on the mountain roads) in which one can take the drive on Going To The Sun Road. We chose to take the tour so Al could be a sightseer on this 50 mile picturesque road which hugs the cliffs below the Continental Divide as it traverses Logan Pass.

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2002-07-16: Bird Woman Falls

Once again, since there was late snow so the melt was late, we were treated to wonderful waterfalls. According to Sean, our driver, this is one of the largest and most beautiful in the park. It was awesome!

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2002-07-16: Wild Geese Island

This small island in St. Mary Lake comes with it's own Indian story about a young couple who met there because they were forbidden by their parents to see one another. The tale may or may not be true but the island, the lake and the surrounding mountains were breathtaking.

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2002-07-16: Logan Pass

During our stop at Logan Pass we were walking out behind the visitor center when a mountain goat came wandering out from behind the trees. As he was walking toward us, I looked at Al and said "Should we be worried?" His reply was to just take my photos and not worry about it. Just prior to arriving at Logan Pass we went past Weeping Wall which is a waterfall area with the road underneath it. Needless to say with our open topped vehicle we took on our share of the liquid stuff! Sorry but no photo!!

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2002-07-16: Jackson Glacier

It is thought that the glaciers viewable from Going To The Sun Road will be visible only until 2013. Jackson Glacier is one of three glaciers that can be seen from the road.

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2002-07-16: St. Mary Lake

A short hike took us to Sunpoint with a spectacular view of another part of St. Mary Lake. This area with its snowcapped mountains and serene lake leave even me speechless!

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