Salt On The Road
A Travel Photo - Journal Of Tryna and Al Morton

Summer 2002 - San Juan Island

2002-07-31: Scooting Along

When we arrived on the island, we promptly rented scooters and took off on our own to discover. There isn't much traffic once you get out of town but there is lots to see. Here we are scooting along.

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2002-07-31: Roche Harbor

Roche Harbor and Friday Harbor are the only two communities on San Juan Island which is the largest of the islands. The marina at Roche Harbor houses some very large boats during the summer and is a nice place to stop for lunch.

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2002-07-31: Honey Wagon!!

Our camping friends will appreciate this more than others. This is the honey wagon for the boating set!! (for those of you who don't get it - this boat comes and pumps out your holding tanks!)

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2002-07-31: Roche Harbor Church

This quaint little church overlooks Roche Harbor.

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2002-07-31: Another Beautiful Cove

This neat little cove is a part of San Juan County Park.

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2002-07-31: Chris Scoots

It sure was fun having Chris with us even if he was somewhat of a hotdogger on the scooter. He was riding tailgunner (last) and kept trying to get me to go faster!!

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2002-07-31: Cattlepoint Lighthouse

This is Cattlepoint Lighthouse, one of the two lighthouses on the island.

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2002-07-31: Mount Baker Emerges

The haze had lifted by the time we took the ferry back to Anacortes so Mount Baker was visible. It's an incredible sight to see the snow capped mountain as the backdrop for the islands.

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2002-07-31: Happy Smiles

Here we are on the ferry happier than clams after a wonderful day on the island.

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