Salt On The Road
A Travel Photo - Journal Of Tryna and Al Morton

Summer 2006 - The Border to Chetwynd

2006-05-30: At The Border

We crossed the border with no problems except the loss of three apples.

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2006-05-30: Hells Gate

We made a stop at Hells Gate on the Fraser River and took the tram down to the river. It's difficult to believe that men actually went up this river in canoes and by foot. Not me!!

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2006-05-30: Fraser Canyon

The water was roaring down the canyon! It was fun being on the suspension bridge (as long as you didn't look down).

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2006-05-31: 108 Mile Lake

Our lunch stop was at 108 Mile Lake and Heritage Park. It's always fun to look into these old log houses and see what our ancestors did without.

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2006-05-31: 10 Mile Provincial Park

We decided to try out one of the provincial parks tonight. Because we're early in the season we got a huge site that is right on the lake. We could even hear the loons calling.

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2006-05-31: The Lake

This is the view of the lake from our campsite. What more could one ask for?

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2006-06-01: Bear Country

Well we've entered bear country and we didn't have to wait long to spot one. Actually we saw three in the woods earlier today but this one was out in the field along the highway.

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2006-06-01: Bijoux Falls

Bijoux Falls is a very impressive. We couldn't decide if it is always this spectacular or if what we're seeing is an early spring waterfall. My guess is that it is always beautiful like this.

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2006-06-01: The Rockies

The Rockies on this side might not be as beautiful as we've seen before but they still amazed us.

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