2008-06-11: Radhuset
This room in the Oslo City Hall is the place where the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded each year in December.
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2008-06-11: Nationaltheatret
The National Theater, a rococo style building erected in 1899 has four stages and is the venue of the annual international Ibsen Festival. The grounds are bursting with colorful flowers and have many interesting statues and fountains.
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2008-06-11: Statues
This is another example of the fountains and statues that abound in this capital city.
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2008-06-11: Stortinget
We were hoping to see inside the Parliament building but it was not open the day we were there. There was an interesting protest taking place outside Parliament and from what we could gather it was against same sex marriages which is an issue the world over.
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2008-06-11: Flower Market
As we wandered we came upon this outdoor flower market.
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2008-06-11: Det Kongelige Slott
The Royal Palace looks over the city. The grounds are open to the public for picnics, playing and sunbathing which is different than in a lot of countries. The Royal family winters in this palace.
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2008-06-11: Bikes
There were bikes for rent in the city. You could buy a key card and then borrow a bike in one place and return it in another. You could pick the rental bikes out because they were all the same color with advertising on the mud flaps. We did see a lot of them in use.
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2008-06-11: Vigelandsparken
Gustav Vigeland, a sculptor, got permission and financial assistance from the government to display his work in a city parks. This granite monolith took 3 men 14-years to complete. It is one piece of stone!
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2008-06-11: Mother, Father, Son
Nowhere else is there so extensive a display depicting the scope of human life and emotion cast in stone and bronze.
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2008-06-11: Unique
Because it rains a lot and is usually quite cool (though not while we were there) people tend to find ways to cope. This cute little Norwegian boy was bundled up in his stroller but had a peephole in the front that he could use to stick his head out!
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2008-06-11: Music
Wandering around the park after dinner we heard music coming toward us. There was a band marching down the street to the bandstand outside the National Theater. They proceeded to give a free concert, which included music for everyone.
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