2008-07-12: Eagles Nest
After arriving at the rally grounds and getting set up, we headed out to taste the BBQ ribs at the Eagles Nest which was located in an historic bank building. Let me tell you, the ribs were yummy!
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2008-07-13: Coach In Place
We arrived a week before the actual rally so we could participate in the pre-rally events. Our coach was almost at the head of the California row and we proudly displayed our chapter banner. Each day more rigs would arrive and the rows began to fill up.
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2008-07-13: Sunset
We had some huge lightning and thunderstorms which helped to give us some nice sunsets. One night a CB antenna was struck by lightning and another night we were actually on a tornado watch.
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2008-07-14: Amish Tour
We went on a bus tour of the Amish Area here in Iowa. It was really interesting because we visited families who were selling their homemade items at their homes. We got to see a furniture store, a bakery, a quilting store, a grocery store, a general store and even had our afternoon snack in an Amish home.
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2008-07-14: Wash Day
It was Monday which is evidently wash day for the Amish as clothes were hanging on lines strung from the houses and the barns.
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2008-07-14: Bonnet
I just couldn't resist trying on a bonnet but decided it just didn't do anything for me!
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2008-07-14: Little Brown Church in the Vale
In 1857 William Pitts, a young music teacher visited this area. As he listened to the singing of the birds and the soft breeze sighing through the ancient trees, he drank in the comfort of the serenity and charm of the scene. Upon returning home he wrote a poem about his vision and set it to music. In 1864 a struggling congregation of pioneers built the little brown church on the very site that Pitts dreamed of and it still stands today.
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2008-07-15: Forest City
Forest City, Iowa today is the home of Winnebago Industries and was the site in 1890 of a large meteor shower . It has a population of about 4500, which explodes during rally weeks.
This is one of many beautiful Victorians located in town.
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2008-07-15: Suspension Bridge
This suspension bridge crosses the Winnebago River in the local park.
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2008-07-16: Club BBQ
There were 10 people from our club at GNR. One night we all got together for a potluck BBQ.
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2008-07-17: Farm Tour
We took a Farm Tour where we learned how the local co-op works and then went to their test plot to learn first hand about the corn they are growing. They plant it very close and get only one ear per stalk. Most is going to the ethanol plant (which we also visited).
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2008-07-17: Machinery
They gave a demonstration of this spraying machine - it reminded me of a transformer as they opened the spraying arms which are really long.
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2008-07-17: Wind Farm
Next we visited a wind farm and got to stand right under one of these monsters and hear the noise it makes. We learned that a farmer who signs a 10-year contract receives around $5000 a year for every windmill he allows on his property.
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2008-07-19: Puckerbrush Parade
Saturday found us sitting along the parade route watching a real small town parade with antique tractors, local groups, floats and of course Winnebagos. We had more candy and stuff thrown to/at us then you can imagine. What fun we had!
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2008-07-19: Courthouse Square
Evenings found us at Courthouse Square eating brats, hamburgers and chicken that the various philanthropic organizations were peddling. One morning we even went to the local airport for pancakes cooked by the local police department.
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2008-07-20: Opening Ceremonies
After attending a variety show and pork dinner at the local high school on Sunday we returned to the rally grounds for the opening ceremonies. It was kicked off by the WIT singers who entertained us and then followed by the parade of flags of all the states represented at the rally. It was pretty exciting to see all the people in the amphitheater.
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2008-07-21: Bean Bag Baseball
The week was full of activities. There were seminars, classes (I took a driving class in a brand new motorhome), games like beanbag baseball (I was on the California team which took second place out of some 20 teams that competed.
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2008-07-22: New Odyssey
A group called the New Odyssey entertained us Tuesday night. There were three of them and between them they played more than 30 instruments! At one point the drummer and the keyboard guy were playing their instrument and a horn at the same time - unbelievable!
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2008-07-23: Ark-a-Bego
Cars weren't allowed on the grounds during the rally so there were golf carts everywhere - some decorated like this. There were three antique tractor drawn carts, which moved us from one spot to another on the grounds as well as shuttles to take us anywhere in town.
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2008-07-23: Bobby Vee
Wednesday night found us back in the amphitheater watching Bobby Vee perform.
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2008-07-24: Jason Williams
Jason Williams entertained us on Thursday night.
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2008-07-25: Rally Grounds
This is an aerial photo of the rally grounds with all 1300+ rigs parked. Even though we had some hot humid weather, bad rainstorms and tornado warnings, we had a great time at the rally with our camping friends.
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2008-07-25: Rally Grounds
This is an aerial photo of the rally grounds with all 1300+ rigs parked. Even though we had some hot humid weather, bad rainstorms and tornado warnings, we had a great time at the rally with our camping friends.
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