2001-07-23: Tryna has a view
The view with the white birches is really pretty. Minnesota with all its lakes is a joy to travel.
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2001-07-23: tunnel feet view
As we drove north on Route 61 on the northshore of Lake Superior we went through two really neat tunnels.
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2001-07-23: Gooseberry Falls
This is the middle section of Gooseberry Falls. It was a beautiful sight to see. Tryna even put her feet in.
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2001-07-23: Cave at Gooseberry
Here is Al checking out the cave.
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2001-07-23: Silver Bay
A view of Lake Superior from the Silver Bay viewpoint.
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2001-07-24: Cross River Falls
Another spectacular waterfall. These falls on the Northshore all feed into Lake Superior which is HUGE!!
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2001-07-24: Temperance Falls
Yup - another beauty!
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2001-07-24: Cascade River Beach
This was a great opportunity to be on the beach. The lake is beautiful but the water is COLD!
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